heARTful consulting services
Creative Wellness 1:1 Support
This offering is for anyone 18+ who wants to prioritize mental and emotional wellness creatively. Need support with making genuine wellness part of your daily life? Hitting some roadblocks in your creative wellness practice or not quite sure where to get started? Then this offering is for you. Book with Renée (she/they) now! Receive empathic, non-judgmental curiosity, creativity, and care in the space you co-create together to problem-solve how to prioritize your wellness. You’re worth it!
Wellness Practitioner 1:1 Support
This offering is for wellness and mental health practitioners, helpers, teachers, and healthcare professionals. Are you feeling exhausted, burned out, or stuck? Caring and walking with others can be so beautiful and often so heavy. Taking care of ourselves is vital, but it can be so hard to prioritize ourselves and refill our cup. If you are in need of some extra support in problem solving how to maintain your own creative wellness practice, book with Renée (she/they) now! Receive empathic, non-judgmental curiosity, creativity, and care in the space you co-create together to problem-solve how to reprioritize you. Because, you matter!
Equity & Justice 1:1 Support
This offering is for anyone 18+ who wants support in moving through the world in a more just and anti-oppressive way. Lifelong learning, critical self reflection, and challenging oppressive systems is what moves us to compassionate action. Are you wanting to learn about more practical ways to stand against oppression and injustice? Do you have places and spaces in your life where you can see that your beliefs and actions don’t line up?
Are you wanting a safer space to question your own biases? Are you wanting to make changes but unsure where to start in supporting liberation for all? If so, book with *Renée (she/they) now! Receive empathic, non-judgmental curiosity, creativity, and compassionate care in the space you co-create together to problem-solve how to live in a more equitable and value aligned way. Collective liberation takes all of us.
*Renée (she/they) is white-bodied, queer, and gender queer. Renee’s support comes from a place of being an ally, accomplice, and co-conspirator in our fight for collective liberation.
Therapy Entrepreneur 1:1 Support
This offering is for therapist/helper entrepreneurs. Is running your own business and the emotional roller coaster it can be not what you had in mind when you decided to work for yourself? Are you feeling overwhelmed by all the systems you have to set up vs. getting to focus on the amazing therapy you want to provide?
Is there something new you are wanting to try in your business, but you just aren’t quite sure how to do it? Are you wanting to grow your offerings beyond private practice but not quite sure where to start? If any of this sounds like your experience, book with Renée (she/they) now! Renée loves engaging in creative brainstorming and cheering others on so they can be empowered to do what they do best. Receive empathic, non-judgmental , curious, creative, and compassionate care in the space you co-create together to problem-solve how to make your business reflect who you uniquely are.
*the nitty gritty—how 1:1 virtual support works
Questions? Contact us at wellness@heARTfulremedies.com
All consulting is virtual
Request the consulting type that fits for you
choose what fee you can pay per hour (equity based pricing)
Share the specific support you are looking for prior to your first meeting so Renée can be ready to best support you
Schedule your initial consult
First meeting: Renée will co-create a success plan with you and identify practical goals to get you where you want to be
Determine how many consulting meetings make sense for you based on the plan you co-create
Keep going! It’s all about the practice!
* consulting services and any 1:1 support provided by Renée are educational, not therapy
*Cost Info:
heARTful remedies offers equity based pricing for consulting. This model is inspired by the Empowered Spaces (STL) community care fee model. We never want finances to be a barrier to you accessing mental health wellness ideas, skills, and support. This pricing model is here to show in action that we are all interconnected and that supporting each other and our collective wellness matters—community care matters.
“Given the systemic injustice in this world which affects each of us differently, this equity pricing scale acknowledges that our ability to pay for services, and access those services, varies. We offer a self-determined sliding scale based on the ways that your identity grants you access to privilege and to social capital, e.g. race, gender & sexual identity, socio-economic status, educational background, able-bodied-ness, etc.” -Kelly Caul, Empowered Spaces (STL) founder
Supporter Rate - "I can help support my community" - $135/hour
Sustainer Rate* - "I can pay my way" - $90/hour (code: Sustain-hwc)
Community Rate* - "I can use support from my community" - $45/hour (code:Community-hwc)
*use the coupon code based on what you determine you can pay.
Find heARTful consulting options that work for you.
Receive 1:1 support in living your best professional and/or personal life.
Receive empathic, non-judgmental , curious, creative, and compassionate care in the space you co-create together to problem-solve how to move in the world authentically.